I want to move here. I don't know if that's just because I have still a couple of days left before coming back to stress, studies, refugee crisis in Europe, late night writing, and I want to avoid it, or it's just the spirit of this eventful city, full of surprises. I am sitting here, on the beach of the island of lunnan, eating my corn and pineapple on a stick, I am wet from swimming in the ocean, and wishing that I could live like this for the rest of my life, but it doesn't work that way. I will have to endure a lot of stress to get places like I planned. But, then again, nothing did happen the way I always planned, so I might just go ahead and stay here. Why not? Close to all the interesting countries I have never been to, with budget airoplane companies, I am closer to Australia for visiting my cousin and friends, so why not? I never planned on living in one place till the rest of my life, anyhow.
But, I already payed for my semester, my work is waiting for me, and people, too. And my family is going to go crazy if I move to another country, again. So, guess I am going to go. I still have a couple of days to enjoy and then take a long flight home.
I could tell you how the people are here on this careless island. That is true, just 49 minutes ferry ride away from smoky Hong Kong, there is this paradise where cars are forbidden. You have bikes, your legs and a boat to get around and it is beautiful. The walking paths are clearly marked and the sights are easy to get to. Every now and then, you will see a map with the distance to the next important sight and lots of restaurants, food trucks with meats on a stick, beaches, trees and people. The Hong Kong living is fast, but here you can get away from it all.
The most amazing thing is that people come practicing Tai Chi on the beach, so you can stand behind them and copy. That would seem a bit weird, so I skipped that, but I was seriously thinking about it.
live long and prosper, I am off to Europe.