Merely, we sat in our private train car and ate all sorts of sweets. We hoped on another train in Bern, and soon came to Interlaken. The hiking path went alongside the river of glacier water with an amazing turquoise color. The clouds in the sky really made the scenery perfectly lighted, check out the pictures:
After a while, the path lead to the forest, where we sat and ate our quick lunch. It was amazing sitting with such an international group of people, listening to sounds of different languages and laughing to comparisons of mule festivals in Utah and camel festivals in India. We were all laughing so hard, that we didn't even notice that it started raining.
By the time it started pouring, we were on our way running up the hill to catch our appointment with the guide for which we were already late. Fun times. The ten thousand stairs would be appreciated by Rocky, but not us. There we were, great big international bunch, with soaking wet clothes on our backs, with couple of broken umbrellas faced our awaiting guide in front of a kilometre long cave.
The cave was an amazing experience. It is super. The reflections in the little focks of water, the sound of tumbling water and the creative names of each cave with sculpture like stalactites and stalagmites (first ones are hanging from the ceiling and the latter sticking up from the floor). We were informed that the cave goes on for another 14 kilometres and the speleologists were making it ready for the public.
While we got out of the cave it stopped raining, so we went down the balustrades to catch our special bus back to the station. We crowded the small bus and in 20 minutes we were back in Interlaken.
The crowd decided enthusiastically that they wanted to see Thun city as well, but all I could think of was cuddling in my blanky and drinking some hot tea. Thun is an amazing city that deserves a whole afternoon for itself. I'll definetly do it soon. Hope you enjoyed the photos. I do enjoy taking them.